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Things to Do When the Fish Aren’t Biting

SAD DAY for Realistic Fishing

SAD DAY for Realistic Fishing YouTube - Realistic Fishing

In the first video this week: Today is a sad day for realistic fishing. But don’t be sad because it stands for something! Get ready for Subscriber Appreciate Day! I am shouting out subscribers today and reading their comments. And to show my appreciation, I am picking one subscriber from the comments and I am going to try to make their day! With all of the scammers out there on Youtube, I am working on ways to spread the love of fishing and help you get more gear in the process. I really appreciate everyone who leaves comments on my videos.

Even though the bass aren’t biting, that doesn’t mean its a bad day. Its a SAD Day.

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Shimano Sienna Spinning Reel Unboxing – $15 Budget Fishing (Walmart)

Shimano Sienna Spinning Reel Unboxing 15 Budget Fishing Walmart - Realistic Fishing

In the second episode this week: Today on Realistic Fishing we have a Shimano Sienna spinning reel unboxing. This $15 budget fishing reel came from Walmart. This fishing reel is a 4000 series which means its larger, and can hold heavier fishing line. This reel will be good for catfish, carp , and bass. The reel is a bit on the heavy side because it has so many metal parts. But hopefully that will keep it working smoothly for a longer period of time. The fishing isn’t very good right now, but there are some deals to find at Walmart, like maybe a Shimano Sienna fishing reel.

Check it out in the video below!

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New Bass Fishing Lures to Try in 2023 – Subscribers Send Lures To Try

New Bass Fishing Lures to Try in 2023 Subscribers Send Lures To Try - Realistic Fishing

In the final episode this week: Today I am looking at new bass fishing lures to try in 2023. Subscribers send lures to try, and today I am opening the mail to see what they sent. I sent the care package off to JFP and picked up the mail. One package of lures came from Rodd, and the other from Nicole. I appreciate looking at all of the lures that are sent in to the show. I will try to use them in an upcoming episode of Realistic Fishing, and I will try to catch some bass. Thanks again to everyone who sends something to the show. I am always happy to have new lures to try in 2023.

See how it all went down in the video below!

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