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TEMU Fishing Lures Review & Gulp Rig Catches Fish When Nothing Else Will

I Regret Fishing For BASS When the BLUEGILL Are Biting (Realistic)

In the first episode this week: Do you ever regret fishing for bass when the bluegill are biting? Today on Realistic Fishing, I begin by fishing for bass, or whatever might bight a 2 inch jerkbait. After not catching anything, I switch to one of my favorite lures, the 1 inch gulp minnow. I catch some jumbo bluegill out beyond the submerged trees. The fish are out a bit deep than I expected. After catching a bunch of big bluegill I decide to try the bass fishing again with a NED Rig. After 25 minutes, I don’t even get a bite.

Sometimes I regret fishing for bass when I know I can catch more bluegill.

See how it all went down in the video below!


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Fishing Lures From TEMU? Realistic Fishing Lure Review (Not Sponsored)

In this episode: Let’s try some fishing lures from Temu! This Realistic FIshing lure review is not sponsored, and I actually bought these myself. I am fishing with a one inch shrimp imitator under a float. This lure is made from durable material similar to Z Man elaztech. I am able to catch a small bass, bluegill, and sunfish from the bank. These cost less than three dollars, and the package contains 100 baits. This is a good deal because they only cost 2 cents per lure. The only downside is the long shipping time since they are imported. Did the lures from Temu catch fish? Yes they did.


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This GULP RIG Catches Fish When Nothing Else Will (Realistic)

In the final episode this week: This Gulp rig catches fish when nothing else will. Today in Realistic Fishing I start out bass fishing with my 13 Origin Fate Chrome baitcaster. After tossing a lipless crankbait around for a while and striking out, I decide to fish my desperation rig. This Gulp rig is very easy to set up and fish. It consists of a small hook, a pinch on sinker, and a float. Thats it! I manage to score a few bluegill, a green sunfish, and even a small bass. I thought the fishing would be much better than it is. But at least I know this Gulp rig catches fish.

Check it out in the video below!


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