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Catching Bluegill in Winter, Found YUM Dinger 30 PACKs for Only $2.50 & NEW Creek – Caught my First Bass on a Hellgrammite!

I Finally Get to GO FISHING again! Happy to Catch Bluegill in Winter

I Finally Get to GO FISHING again Happy to Catch Bluegill in Winter - Realistic Fishing

In the first episode this week I finally get to go fishing again and I am so happy to catch bluegill in winter! Its really been a tough week with horrible weather and almost nonexistent  internet service. But I am finally back at it again today and doing what I love to do. While I was out at the log today I was kept company by a loose dog. He’s my number #2 fan.  I really didn’t think I would catch anything, but I got lucky and I scored a bunch of bluegill. The nicest one today was a good 8 inches. I really can’t wait for the weather to warm up so I can start fishing for bass again.

Check it all out in the video below.

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YUM Dinger 30 PACK for $2.50! + “Guess the Fish” Giveaway Winners

YUM Dinger 30 PACK for 2.50 Guess the Fish Giveaway Winners - Realistic Fishing

In the second episode this week we check out my score of a YUM Dinger 30 Pack for $2.50! In this episode also pick the “Guess the fish” giveaway winners. After I took the time to drive out to the trout fishing hole only to find it flooded, I decided to visit an Academy Sports nearby to pick up some clearance lures I got a tip on from a subscriber. I purchased a few 30 packs of Yum dinger for only $2.48 cents each. That’s enough Yum Dingers I’d need for the whole year! In this video I also reveal what the mystery fish is and pick 2 giveaway winners. Big thanks to everyone who participated and congratulations to the winners.

Check it out in the video below.

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Fishing at a NEW Creek! Caught my First Bass on a Hellgrammite! 2021

Fishing at a NEW Creek Caught my First Bass on a Hellgrammite - Realistic Fishing

In the final episode this week I’m out fishing a new creek and I was happy to catch my first bass of 2021 on a Hellgrammite! A local fisherman let me know about this creek and we met up for a little bit of creek fishing. I started things out fishing with a Trout Magnet jig head and a nightcrawler. I end up catching a bunch of sunfish, bluegill,  and even a shiner. After moving around a bit, I decided to change over to a Hellgrammite and I catch my first bass of 2021. It can be fun fishing at a new creek and I hope I can catch more & bigger bass here in the future.  After some success today, I need to try fishing with the hellgrammites more often.

Check it out in the video below!

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